We are a local group of all ages and backgrounds who are campaigning to raise awareness and oppose the expansion of Heathrow and the introduction of a 3rd runway. Heathrow is proposing a 700+ increase in flights a day over London, and its suggested new flight paths will fly directly over areas which have not previously had flights flying directly over them, including Bayswater.

StopHeathrowPollutingUs are concerned about the impact the plans will have on the health and well-being of current and future generations living, working and visiting London due to increased levels of noise and air pollution.

We are aiming to engage and inform the public about the true facts of the Heathrow expansion.

It’s not a done deal! Act Now! Sign our petitions!

Click Here to Sign the Petition

We urgently need as many signatures as possible to get Heathrow to commit to the 'one week trial'. We deserve to know the real noise impact on our area.

Each of you have your own set of personal and professional local networks and we need your help to get the message across to as many people as possible in our Bayswater, Paddington and Notting Hill community.

Every household member can sign the petition, please encourage them to do so.

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